Mari, Ribadeo, Spain

Ribadeo, Spain
VET Team
UNIFORM Repro VET Multiherd Basic
Mari is the pillar of data administration in SeriVet Asturgalaico, in Ribadeo. It is a vet team focused on dairy herds, located in several provinces. Mari is the only member of the team that works at the office, she works with this team for more than 20 years and there are in total 6 vets. This team is known for its professionality in the sector, they offer reproductive checks, feeding advice, genetic improvement and SDA.
They have used several dairy management software with multiherd possibilities. They use now UNIFORM for a few months.
Mari: “The main reason we choose for UNIFORM is that it is a really complete program, gives a lot of information about the status of the herd. UNIFORM is a really fast program to register data. For example, it takes me from 5 to 8 minutes to register all data of a 150-200 milking cows herd, taking into account that an average of 40 to 50 cows will be listed in the vet check list.
About trainings and support, I think the service is really good. I can ask all my questions and it’s not an inconvenience, service happens immediately. Connecting via TeamViewer is very easy and lets me as user also look and learn to solve the issues.
I’d describe the UNIFORM program in one word as AGILE. It involves all: agile on resolving issues, agile to register data, agile to generate reports, agile to customize each farm. It really adapts to it’s user´s requirements.”