Our solution for dairy goat farmers
Next to dairy cows UNIFORM-Agri also developed a herd management program for goat farms. The program is based on the same qualities as the dairy cow program, but with specific adaptations for goat farms.
With quick one screen data entry UNIFORM Goat controls the day to day administration and management reporting requirements for the herd. The Dashboard highlights the events that are due to happen, goats that require attention and key performance indicators give a clear overview of the herd’s targets and its performance.
The program can be expanded with the UNIFORM Goat App and can be linked to many different brands of milking parlors like Dairymaster, Pannazoo, BouMatic, SAC, DeLaval, AfiMilk, Fullwood, GEA and others.
UNIFORM Goat will make your goat farm easy to manage with: